Bošnjačko nacionalno vijeće kao najviše predstavničko tijelo Bošnjaka u Srbiji pozdravlja presudu Haškog tribunala izrečenu Radovanu Karadžiću zbog udruženog zločinačkog djelovanja u cilju sprovođenja etničkog čišćenja nad Bošnjacima, Hrvatima i drugim nesrpskim stanovništvom tokom agresije srpskih snaga na Bosnu i Hercegovinu.
Ipak smatramo da je presuda Radovanu Karadžiću zakasnila i da nije dala adekvatne rezultate, što je trebala biti poruka da se iz zločina ne može izvući nikakva politička niti materijalna korist.
Postojanje Republike Srpske kao tvorevine nastale na zločinima genocida i na teritoriji na kojoj su ti zločini izvršeni predstavlja satisfakciju za počinioce da se iz zločina genocida može izvući željena i planirana korist.
U tom smislu Bošnjake Sandžaka zabrinjava činjenica da državno rukovodstvo Srbije na čelu sa predsjednikom Nikolićem i premijerom Vučićem nalazi opravdanja za sve zločinačke postupke Radovana Karadžića počinjene u stvaranju Republike Srpske.
U isto vrijeme, Vlada Republike Srbije izbacila je iz manjinskog akcionog plana sve zločine počinjene nad Bošnjacima u Sandžaku tokom devedesetih godina, kako ne bi imala obavezu da te zločine rasvijetli, a njihove počinioce kazni.
Ta činjenica zabrinjava Bošnjake u Sandžaku i zato Bošnjačko nacionalno vijeće traži od zemalja članica EU da ne prihvate manjinski akcioni plan Vlade Srbije za poglavlje 23 i time jasno stave do znanja da neće tolerisati etničko čišćenje i zločine nad Bošnjacima u Sandžaku.
S obzirom na sve ove okolnosti BNV će uputiti zahtjeve Savjetu bezbjednosti UN-a, OEBS-u, EU i Savjetu Evrope da učine sve što je u njihovoj moći kako bi otklonili ove objektivne opasnosti po opstanak Bošnjaka u Srbiji, a koje je u svojim izvještajima za 2014. i 2015. godinu konstatovala Minority Rights Group International, kao signal ranog upozorenja.
Bosniak National Council, as the highest representative body of Bosniaks in Serbia, greets the verdict of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia delivered to Radovan Karadzic for the joint criminal enterprise with an aim to carry out ethnic cleansing against Bosniaks, Croats and other non-Serbs during the aggression of the Serb forces against Bosnia and Herzegovina.
However, we believe that the verdict to Radovan Karadzic came late and did not provide appropriate results, in terms of a message that political or material benefits cannot be derived from crimes.
The mere existence of the Republika Srpska as an entity, created on the crimes of genocide and in the territory in which those crimes were carried out, represents a satisfaction for the perpetrators that from the crimes of genocide desired and planed benefit can be derived.
In that sense, the Bosniaks of Sandzak are concerned with the fact that the state leadership of Serbia, headed by the President Nikolic and Prime Minister Vucic is justifying all of the felonious acts of Radovan Karadzic that were committed in the creation of the Republika Srpska.
At the same time, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has excluded all of the crimes committed against Bosniaks of Sandzak during the 1990s from the minority action plan so it would not have an obligation to shed light on those crimes and to punish their perpetrators.
The mentioned fact creates concerns for Bosniaks in Sandzak and that is why the Bosniak National Council requests from the EU member states not to accept the minority action plan of the Serbian government for negotiating chapter 23. With the previously mentioned, EU member states will make it clear that they will not tolerate ethnic cleansing and crimes against Bosniaks in Sandzak.
Considering all these circumstances, Bosniak National Council will send requests to the UN Security Council, OSCE, to the EU and to the Council of Europe and ask them to do everything in their power to resolve these real dangers posed to the existence of Bosniaks in Serbia, and which were noted as early warning signals in the 2014 and 2015 reports of the Minority Rights Group International.