Bošnjačko nacionalno vijeće su danas posjetili reprezentativci Republike Srbije u nordijskim disciplinama iz Sjenice i tom prilikom susreli se sa članovima rukovodstva Vijeća.
Članovi državne reprezentacije, Rejhan Šmrković, Dževad Hadžifejzović i Mirsad Pejčinović putuju na međunarodno takmičenje „Balkan Kup“ u Bolu, Republika Turska, su ovom prilikom upoznali rukovodstvo Vijeća o svojim planovima i ukupnim očekivanjima od učešća na ovom značajnom takmičenju.
U ime Vijeća, predsjednik Ugljanin je sportistima poželeo puno uspjeha i dobrog zdravlja na predstojećem takmičenju sa željom da ostvare što bolje rezultate i da u najboljem svjetlu predstave sebe, Sandžak i zemlju iz koje dolaze.
Istaknuto je da treba da iskoriste priliku i da upoznaju Tursku javnost da je Sandžak povoljan prostor za investiranje kako u sportske objekte i turističke potencijale tako i u proizvođačke kapacitete. Činjenica, da postoje sporazumi o slobodnoj trgovini sa Rusijom, Belorusijom i Kazahstanom, daje priliku da uspješni turski privrednici dio svoje proizvodnje izmeste u Sandžak i druge delove Srbije, da nađu svoj interes i uposle mlade, i iskoriste mogućnost plasmana svojih proizvoda po povlašćenim uslovima.
U tom smislu, naglašeno je da mladi i uspješni sportisti su istovremeno i vrsta ambasadora.
Serbian team in Nordian disciplines from Sjenica visited the Bosniak National Council today and met with the leadership of the Council.
Team members, Rejhan Šmrković, Dževad Hadžifejzović and Mirsad Pejčinović are traveling to the international tournament „Balkan Kup“ that will be held in Bolu, Turkey and on this occasion they introduced the leadership of the Council with their plans and expectations from participation in this tournament.
President Ugljanin, on behalf of the Council, wished the athletes a lot of success in the upcoming tournament, to achieve better results and to represent Sandzak and the country they are coming from, in the best possible way.
It was pointed out to the team members that they should take a chance to inform the Turkish public that Sandžak is a favorable place for investment in sports facilities and touristic potentials as well as in production capacities.
The mere fact that Serbia has signed agreements on free trade with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan is opening possibilities to successful Turkish businessmen that can now relocate part of their production in Sandžak and other parts of Serbia, and can recognize their own interests, give jobs to the younger population and seize the opportunity to sell their products under preferential conditions.
In this regard, it was emphasized that young and successful athletes are also a kind of ambassadors.