Poslaničko pitanje predsjednika Bošnjačkog nacionalnog vijeća i predsjednika poslaničke grupe SDA Sandžaka – PDD Dr. Sulejmana Ugljanina na sjednici skupštine od 1. decembra 2015. godine
„Uvažena predsjednice, koleginice i kolege narodni poslanici,
Tražim objašnjenje od predsjednika Vlade, ministra spoljnih poslova, ministarke državne uprave i lokalne samouprave, ministra pravde, te ministarke zadužene za evropske integracije, šefa pregovaračkog tima Srbije sa EU i predsjednika Radne grupe za izradu Akcionog plana,
Zašto i sa kojim ciljem Vlada preko svoje Radne grupe odbija da u Akcioni plan za manjine, uvrsti probleme i prijedloge Bošnjaka koje predlažu njihovi legitimni predstavnici u Radnoj grupi?
Pitam da li Vlada uopšte planira da izvrši ispravku Akcionog plana i uvaži one sugestije koje od samog početka u Radnoj grupi predlažu legitimni manjinski predstavnici?
Ja želim da vas obavijestim da je Bošnjačko nacionalno vijeće, kao najviše predstavničko tijelo Bošnjačkog naroda u Srbiji, od formiranja Radne grupe za izradu Akcionog plana za nacionalne manjine 7. aprila ove godine, aktivno i konstruktivno učestvovalo u njenom radu.
Polazeći od činjenice da su državni organi Republike Srbije odgovorni za položaj, status i stepen ostvarivanja prava manjina, smatramo da je izrada kvalitetnog Akcionog plana interes naše zemlje da na adekvatan način riješi status i položaj manjina.
Međutim, pokazalo se da predstavnici Vlade u Radnoj grupi ignorišu probleme Bošnjaka i svaki prijedlog bošnjačkih predstavnika, odbijajući čak i da evidentiraju iznijete probleme i prijedloge za njihovo rješavanje.
Evidentno je da kod predstavnika Vlade u Radnoj grupi ne postoji želja da se dođe do rješenja koja će Bošnjacima obezbijediti sigurnost, zaštitu i očuvanje nacionalnog identiteta, ostvarivanje i unapređenje individualnih i kolektivnih prava, ekonomski razvoj, ali i rješavanje svih drugih pitanja koja godinama opterećuju Bošnjake, a koja su od vitalnog značaja.
Mora se imati u vidu činjenica da su Bošnjaci narod nad kojim je izvršen zločin genocida u Srebrenici, narod koji je u Srbiji ‘90tih godina bio izložen organizovanom državnom teroru sa teškim zločinima koji još uvijek nisu rasvijetljeni niti su njihovi počinioci kažnjeni. U najnovijem izvještaju Minority right group international – MRG Bošnjaci su označeni kao „narod pod prijetnjom“.
Bošnjaci su narod koji nema svoju nacionalnu državu koja bi se mogla zauzeti za rješavanje njihovog statusa.
Podsjećam da u izvještaju Evropske komisije o napretku Srbije stoji da u Sandžaku, između ostalih problema i dalje vlada izrazito velika nezapošljenost, loša infrastruktura i nedovoljna zastupljenost Bošnjaka u državnim organima i institucijama sa javnim ovlašćenjima.
Iz ovih razloga legalni i legitimni predstavnici Bošnjaka u Republici Srbiji ne mogu i neće prihvatiti formalno učešće i status nijemog posmatrača u Radnoj grupi za izradu Akcionog plana za manjine, zato je 23. novembra BNV napustilo rad u ovom tijelu.
Iz takvih razloga manjinska poslanička grupa SDA Sandžaka – PDD koju čine legitimni predstavnici Albanaca Preševske doline i Bošnjaka Sandžaka od 16. januara ne učestvuje u radu skupštinskog odbora za manjine.
Zato pitam Vladu Republike Srbije da li će preko svojih predstavnika u Radnoj grupi uvažiti činjenice od značaja za Bošnjake, uvrstiti ih u akcioni plan i time omogućiti da dobijemo jedan ozbiljan i kvalitetan akcioni plan za manjine, koji bi imao legitimitet.
Zašto u Ranoj grupi za izradu Akcionog plana za manjine do sada nisu uključeni i narodni poslanici birani na manjinskim listama koji zajedno sa nacionalnim vijećima nose najveći legitimitet?
Zbog važnosti ovog pitanja i kratkih rokova očekujem da odgovore na ova pitanja dobijem u najkraćem mogućem roku.“
Parliamentary question from the President of the caucus of the SDA Sandzak – PDD – Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin at the session of the Assembly on 1st December 2015
“Distinguished president, colleagues MPs,
I seek an explanation from the Government President, minister of Foreign Affairs, the current OSCE Chairman, minister for State Administration and Local Self-government, minister of Justice, and minister in charge for European integrations, chief of negotiation team of Serbia with EU and president of the Working Group for drafting the Action plan;
Why and with what purpose the Government, through its Working Group, refuses to include problems and proposals for solutions from legitimate representatives of the Bosniaks into the Action Plan for minorities?
I ask whether the Government even plans to rectify the Action Plan and take into account suggestions proposed in the Working group from the start by legitimate minority representatives.
I wish to inform you that Bosniak National Council, as the highest representative body of Bosniaks in Serbia, since the formation of Working Group for drafting the Action plan for national minorities, on 7th April this year, actively and constructively participated its work.
Starting from the fact that the authorities of the Republic of Serbia are responsible for the position, status and level of exercise of minority rights, we believe that the creation of high-quality action plan is in interest of our country to adequately resolve the status and position of minorities.
However, it appeared that the representatives of the Government inside of the Group are ignoring all problems of Bosniaks, and every suggestion from Bosniak representatives, refusing even to record suggested problems and solutions for them.
It is evident that there is no desire with representatives of the Government inside of the Group for reaching the resolution which would help Bosniaks in matters of security, protection and preservation of national identity, achievement and promotion of individual and collective rights, economic development and all other issues which burden Bosniaks for years, and which are of vital significance.
It must be considered the fact that Bosniaks are a nation over which was done the crime of Srebrenica genocide, nation which was during 90’s in Serbia exposed to organized state terrors with heavy crimes that have still not been clarified, nor its perpetrators have been punished. In the newest report from Minority right group international – MRG, Bosniaks are labeled as “the people under threat”.
Bosniaks are people which have no national state that could take to resolve their status.
I remind that in the report of European Commission on Serbia progress stands that in Sandzak, among other problems, still remains exceptionally high unemployment, poor infrastructure and inadequate representation of Bosniaks in state bodies and institutions with public authorities.
For these reasons, the legal and legitimate representatives of the Bosniaks in the Republic of Serbia cannot and will not accept a formal participation and status of silent observer in the Working Group for drafting the Action Plan for minorities, and this is why on 23th November Bosniak National Council left the work in this body.
Due to these reasons, minority caucus of SDA- Sandzak – PDD, consisting of legitimate representatives of Albanians from the Presevo valley and Sandzak Bosniaks, since the January 16th do not participate the work of the parliamentary committee on minorities.
So I ask the Government of the Republic of Serbia whether it will through their representatives in the Working Group accept the facts of importance for the Bosniaks, include them in the action plan, and by thus enabling to obtain a serious and high-quality action plan for minorities, which would have legitimacy.
Why in the Working Group for drafting the Action plan for minorities so far are not included also MPs elected in minority lists, which together with the National Councils carry the largest legitimacy?
Due to importance of this question and short deadlines I expect answers to these questions in shortest timeframe possible. “